
INDIA Market Entry

India has emerged and is becoming a preferred destination for investments for most of the global companies. Several businesses over the past few years have capitalized the upcoming opportunities from across the globe. There are major initiatives and policies announced by the government of India to introduce, support, and enable the extended units of businesses to prosper through various models and collaborations.

India has been a strong revenue stream for global companies who are pursuing opportunities in the MENSEA region and the Indian Territory due to the vicinity and availability of appropriate resources. Indian markets have shown promising results and have been successful in attracting major industries in Automotive, Defence, Aerospace, Agriculture, IT and several other industries.


Private Equity Syndication

Private equity (PE) has become an increasingly international funding option, but there is lack of research and understanding that looks at the process by which PE firms invest across borders. We have an enduring relationship with private equity partners across the globe. Our strong relationships with investors, including family offices and HNI investors, enable entrepreneurs capitalize opportunities in a most prudent way. Our industry experience helps us to pursue the most appropriate strategy for our clients to raise capital at appropriate stages. Based on our understanding of their investment preferences and functional styles, we are able to strategically target these funds. A knowledgeable team of experts with deep-domain understanding ensures confidentiality, efficient execution and rapid turnaround times.

We engage with clients to create a captivating story, build a comprehensive business plan and supporting financial models, decide on the most efficient market and customer capitalization strategy and conceptualize a detailed information memorandum deck, that transforms ideas to working plans, allowing the transaction to be presented in a structured manner providing complete confidence and analysis to the potential investors.

pvt equity
pvt equity

Private Equity Syndication

Private equity (PE) has become an increasingly international funding option, but there is lack of research and understanding that looks at the process by which PE firms invest across borders. We have an enduring relationship with private equity partners across the globe. Our strong relationships with investors, including family offices and HNI investors, enable entrepreneurs capitalize opportunities in a most prudent way. Our industry experience helps us to pursue the most appropriate strategy for our clients to raise capital at appropriate stages. Based on our understanding of their investment preferences and functional styles, we are able to strategically target these funds. A knowledgeable team of experts with deep-domain understanding ensures confidentiality, efficient execution and rapid turnaround times.

We engage with clients to create a captivating story, build a comprehensive business plan and supporting financial models, decide on the most efficient market and customer capitalization strategy and conceptualize a detailed information memorandum deck, that transforms ideas to working plans, allowing the transaction to be presented in a structured manner providing complete confidence and analysis to the potential investors.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions involving privately held companies entail a number of key legal, business, human resources, intellectual property, and financial issues, which need to be carefully crafted. To successfully navigate a transaction of your company, it is helpful to understand the dynamics and issues that frequently arise. It is important to understand that offer price and valuation, like other terms in M&A deals, are negotiable. However, since the company’s shares are privately held, the benchmarks may not be immediately clear, and the outcome of this negotiation depends on a number of key factors.

Our M&A unit offers industry-focused advice, ranging from assessing strategic alternatives to directing transactions to organize closures on acquisitions, divestitures, joint initiatives and other deals.

We introduce independent & analytical advice on transactions that meet corporate development targets, by acquisition or recognition of intrinsic value by different approaches. for divestiture and liquidity.


Venture Fund

Invention and innovation have been driving entrepreneurs across the globe and introducing newer opportunities for various Venture Funds. What’s more, they are participating with a powerful grip on the nation’s collective imagination. The press is filled with against-all-odds success stories of multiple entrepreneurs, bringing in new concepts and ideas.

Today’s entrepreneur is the modern-day cowboy, pursuing new industrial frontiers much the same way that earlier Americans explored the West. At his side stands the venture capitalist, a trail-wise sidekick ready to help the hero through all the tight spots—in exchange, of course, for a piece of the action. These funds often focus on an industry, market segment, financing stage, geography, or some combination of each as their appetite and approach are specific and limited.


Venture Fund

Invention and innovation have been driving entrepreneurs across the globe and introducing newer opportunities for various Venture Funds. What’s more, they are participating with a powerful grip on the nation’s collective imagination. The press is filled with against-all-odds success stories of multiple entrepreneurs, bringing in new concepts and ideas.

Today’s entrepreneur is the modern-day cowboy, pursuing new industrial frontiers much the same way that earlier Americans explored the West. At his side stands the venture capitalist, a trail-wise sidekick ready to help the hero through all the tight spots—in exchange, of course, for a piece of the action. These funds often focus on an industry, market segment, financing stage, geography, or some combination of each as their appetite and approach are specific and limited.

Debt Syndication

Debt syndication involves a group of multiple lenders, funding various portions of a loan to a single borrower, based on the project requirements and mentioned opportunity. A syndicated loan needs to be arranged and monitored efficiently for securing good financial standing for the borrower. There are a number of lending parties involved and could be more than one entity involved.

Pentarch supports to raise capital through various types of debt sources and helps client strengthen their balance sheets, by delivering alternatives to a capital structure, designed for maximizing profits.

We progress with a solid relationship with our clients, by offering them timely and tailor-made solutions to meet their capital goals.

Pentarch has created a comprehensive network of financial institutions and strong relationships with banks that allow us to deliver a customized solution to the client’s requirements.


Our Debt syndication product portfolio includes:

  • Term Loan Syndication (Fresh / Refinance)
  • Working Capital Facilities
  • Project Financing /Structured Finance
  • External Commercial Borrowings
  • Letter of Credit, etc.

Due Diligence & Data Room

The exchange of M&A due diligence materials, including capital records and other confidential data, is the soul of all mergers and acquisitions or any capital raising activity. The key to an effective deal is to secure and organize these documents while maintaining precise control over which parties can access what documents.
Simplify M&A interaction with due diligence & data rooms, a comprehensive workflow alternative that manages and tracks your most sensitive documentation at the right moment, guaranteeing that the appropriate team gets the relevant data.


Due Diligence & Data Room

The exchange of M&A due diligence materials, including capital records and other confidential data, is the soul of all mergers and acquisitions or any capital raising activity. The key to an effective deal is to secure and organize these documents while maintaining precise control over which parties can access what documents.
Simplify M&A interaction with due diligence & data rooms, a comprehensive workflow alternative that manages and tracks your most sensitive documentation at the right moment, guaranteeing that the appropriate team gets the relevant data.

International Business Opportunities

There are several opportunities which the companies can participate, for increasing their top line. International offices, local sourcing, new client acquisitions, limitation on added costs are often faced challenges by the companies and further are the procedures and documentations which create hindrance for companies to increase their reach. You can confidently explore the possibilities of resolving such challenges with our team.
